General Election: Tuesday, November 7, 2023


  • Improved infrastructure by adding sidewalks and traffic calming solutions
  • Renovating Collinsville Park and Tucker Field after years of neglect
  • Continue award-winning sustainable environmental practices and policies
  • Increased citizen engagement with Senior Citizens Advisory Committee and Transportation Advisory Committee
  • Revitalized the Township's Environmental Commission
  • Prudent fiscal management has kept tax rate increases lower than in neighboring towns

Bud Ravitz and Siva Jonnada believe your local government should:

  • Represent all Morris Township residents, not special interests
  • Continue Democratic openness and transparency in governance
  • Actively encourage citizen participation in local issues
  • Plan for smart growth 
  • Bring commerce to town without overburdening our infrastructure
  • Revitalize our parks and natural resources for future generations
  • Connect key areas of the township via sidewalks and bike paths
  • Support our police firefighters and first responders by providing them with the necessary equipment and training
  • Maintain our AAA bond rating through sound fiscal budgeting and management

If you feel that Democracy is worth preserving, then on November 7, vote for the candidates who share your beliefs and values. 



Ravitz & Jonnada for
Township Committee

Contact Info

Morris Township, NJ

© 2023 Paid for by Siva Jonnada for Morris Township Committee